
  • Po Box 6
  • Jish, 13872
  • इसराइल
  • दूरभाष:972-54-4363635
  • फैक्स:972-4-9566956
  • यूआरएल:

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You found this company profile listed on Global Catalog, so we’re confident buyers WILL find your business, too. All you need to do is sign up!

You will be seen for FREE by thousands of active buyers from across the globe, searching Global Catalog every day for companies just like yours.

मुख्य पृष्ठ


My name is elias; you may talk with me in English, arabic hebrew. I live in Israel, and I'm specialized in three fields:

A-Israeli taxes: Including: Income-tax, V. A. T. Real-estate taxes etc

B-International trade (agent / advisor / representative) : Especially in the steel market and eletronic scrap market.

C-real estate agent in Israel.

I only answer messages from members who provide me with thier spesific needs (not general or unclear messages) , I need to get all the information and detals from you first message so I will be able to reply.

Best regards,


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